Steam Pressure Washer - Steam Cleaner
by Ian Pearce
A steam pressure washer uses steam from
hot water to effectively clean surfaces. The hot steam causes an
abrasive action when combined with the right detergents or
solvents to loosen even the toughest, greasiest stains.
There are many applications where a unit of this kind is
mandatory. For example, a restaurant would be an ideal
candidate. Cleaning a greasy kitchen would be a nightmare if a
cold water unit was used.
The cold water would cause the oils to clump into a waxy mess,
impeding the cleaning process. A steam unit would effortlessly
loosen and melt the oils away making short work of a messy
cleaning job.
Another facility that could make use of a steam unit would be a
meat processing plant like a pork handling facility. There,
tough greasy messes would routinely need to be dealt with. Steam
units can deliver steam at over 300 degrees.
This heat would make fatty deposit removal easier and faster.
A steam pressure washer can have boilers that use different
types of fuels. Gas, diesel, electric and propane boilers are
commonly used. It is important to note how powerful the boiler
is. Units with a combination of higher pressures and flow rates
will need to have substantial boilers to keep up with demanding
cleaning jobs.
The heater exchange coils are usually made of stainless steel
and the better units are designed for continuous use and can be
connected to a hose.
Heating times from cold to hot in under 30 seconds are common in
industrial units.
Steam has added benefits from regular water based units. You can
clean virtually any surface with steam and the heat enables you
to dissolve stains that other units may leave behind. A steam
pressure washer can even clean fabrics.
Unlike water units that would soak fabrics and carpets, a steam
cleaner can remove stains without damage.
A side benefit is that vapor cleans without having to resort to
harsh chemical solvents or detergents which can leave a residue,
especially in fabrics.
As with all other units, the size of the boiler and necessary
attachments will be determined by the application of the